Steel Talk - Urban Rehabilitation, The Steel Construction Solution

The Steel Talk dedicated the "Urban Rehabilitation - Steel construction solution" will take in the Order of Architects of the North Regional Session.

Steel Talk conferences are aimed at all stakeholders and professionals in this sector, and respond to the fundamentals of the Portugal Steel brand, based on specific topics of visions of the future in the design and manufacture of Steel Structures, future strategies and research. This conference seeks to demonstrate the contribution of steel construction to the challenge of urban rehabilitation and discuss the potential of using steel in architecture, inviting the most prestigious national architects to hold conferences to publicize their work and theoretical production.



15h00 Sessão de Abertura - OASRN e CMM

15h15 Engº António Pedro, Metalogalva

15h45 Arq. Manuel Roque, Pitágoras Group

16h15 Coffee-Break

16h30 Engº Sérgio Mártires, Betar

17h00 Arq. Adriana Foret

17h30 Mesa Redonda

18h00 Encerramento



Ordem dos Arquitectos SRN

Start date
27 May 2017

End date
27 May 2017